A Prophet for an Un-discerning Church

Posted on Monday, January 12, 2015 by Todd Pruitt on 1517

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If you want to get people mad at you (I mean really mad) just criticize Beth Moore’s teaching. Trust me on this. Many a young pastor has found himself being roasted over the rhetorical bonfire of women’s ministry meetings for daring to raise concerns about Beth Moore’s rather exotic approach to biblical interpretation. 

But those who don’t much care about popularity or physical safety have in recent years been willing to challenge some of the outrageous claims and troubling teachings coming from Beth Moore. It would be one thing if Beth’s claims of direct revelation, sloppy exegesis, and squishy ecumenism were confined to a small corner of the church. The trouble is that Beth Moore is hugely popular which means she has a lot of influence. 

If you are wondering why I am writing something critical of a popular Bible teacher then you must be new here. Remember the name of the website – “Mortification of Spin.” Keep in mind also that Beth Moore is a public and highly influential teacher. That means that her errors must be confronted publicly. If you study the Bible you will see the prophets, Jesus and apostles doing the very same thing in their own day. 

Beth Moore has been pushing for a kind of ecumenism between Baptists and Charismatics and Roman Catholics and Prosperity heretics that ignores essential Christian doctrines. In Beth’s ecumenism, the doctrines of God, Scripture, salvation, and the church do not seem to matter nearly as much as her vision of “unity”. Hers is an unbearably light unity for it cannot bear the weight of biblical distinctions. And to make matters worse, if you disagree with her ecumenism you are standing in the way of Jesus’ vision for the church. How do we know that Beth’s vision is Jesus’ vision for the church? Because she told us so HERE.

It is, I suppose this shallow ecumenism which explains Beth’s willingness to praise and partner with false teachers such as Joyce Meyer. If you are wondering why this is a problem then I assume it is because you do not know what Joyce Meyer preaches. 

Beth also claims direct revelation from God. Her claims that God speaks to her are ubiquitous throughout her books and preaching. It is these divine revelations that supply the gravitas for Beth’s extravagant claims. If you watched the video clip above you have already seen her claim to have received a prophetic vision directly from Jesus concerning the future of the church. 

The following is an excerpt from Beth’s book The Beloved Disciple which captures once again her ease in receiving revelation from God. In this case Beth and God come up with a whole new term to add to the church’s lexicon (You may want to contrast Beth’s casual reception of revelation with that of the apostles and prophets). 

Beloved, I am convinced one of our severest needs is pure rest. Not only sleep, but refreshment and recreation. Recently God spoke to me about capturing what He and I are calling “Sabbath moments.” Like many of yours, my schedule right now is particularly tough, and I see no time in the near future for a number of days off. God spoke to my heart one Saturday morning while I was preparing for Sunday school: “My child, in between more intense rests, I want to teach you to take Sabbath moments.” I wasn’t certain what He meant. Just that morning God confirmed His desire for me to drive all the way to the other side of Houston to the medical center to visit a patient with brain cancer. I was very thankful for the privilege of visiting this patient, but I knew in advance it would be tough emotionally and far from restful.

I fought the traffic across Houston, then visited with my new friend and her husband while choking back the tears. They have two young sons, and unless God performs a miracle, their mother will go home to be with the Lord before they are grown. I got in my car and prayed. I pulled out of the parking garage, fighting the tears. A few blocks later as if on autopilot, I turned my steering wheel straight into the parking lot of the Houston Zoo!

Christ seemed to say, “Let’s go play.” And that we did. I hadn’t been to the zoo in years. I heard about all the improvements, but I never expected the ultimate: Starbucks coffee! (OK, so I don’t have all my health issues down pat.) Can you imagine watching a baby koala take a nap in a tree on a rare cold day in Houston with a Starbucks grande cappuccino in your hand? Now that’s a Sabbath moment! God and I had a blast.

– Beth Moore, The Beloved Disciple, (B&H Publishing: 2003), 220.

Just as Sarah Young’s Jesus in Jesus Calling sounds much like an American woman steeped in contemporary therapeutic language, so the Jesus of Beth Moore’s vision seems to suit an affluent American demographic. As you consider the condition of the church in the prosperous west alongside the persecution and suffering of so many Christians in the majority world do you think that “one of our severest needs is pure rest” along the lines of playdates with God to Starbucks and the zoo? 

I’m in favor of rest. More importantly God is in favor of rest. He created a cycle of days with the wonderful gift of rest in mind. God gave man the Sabbath day as a gift precisely for the purposes of ministering rest to our bodies and minds. I’m not sure when God decided to add “Sabbath Moments” to the mix. Is it God’s way of recognizing that most American Christians do not take their rest on the day God has set apart and made holy for that very purpose? Beth does not tell us. She simply claims that God chose to speak to her directly and together they coined a new term. 

I’m not saying that we cannot enjoy good gifts from God. I am as grateful for good coffee and cute koalas as the next guy. But the words quoted above illustrate well the utter weightlessness of contemporary evangelicalism, particularly that which is peddled to Christian women. If I were a woman I believe I would be insulted by such nauseating triviality. 

What Beth Moore is describing in her experiences is what we call “direct revelation.” Revelation means to unveil or make known. The doctrine of direct revelation means that God speaks directly to someone apart from any mediation. We understand that direct revelation was given by God to the prophets and apostles and was ultimately inscripturated as God’s written word. Protestants have historically denied continuing revelation. We believe that God’s Word is His chosen and sufficient means to speak to his people. Indeed the Southern Baptist Convention has clearly denied continuing revelation and affirmed the sufficiency of Scripture.

And yet Beth Moore’s books and studies are published by Broadman & Hollman (B&H) and sold in Lifeway stores. Both Lifeway and B&H are Southern Baptist entities and Beth Moore a member of a Southern Baptist Church. So why does the Southern Baptist Convention publish, promote, and sell teaching that clearly departs from historic Protestantism and is against its own doctrinal positions? Follow the money my friends. Follow the money.

18 responses to “A Prophet for an Un-discerning Church

  1. Great post, Dan.

    I have the same concerns about this very popular “evangelical.” In fact, the two churches that I attend have both had classes by Beth Moore. I have approached both pastors, one who has been a friend for a decade, with my concerns. Neither got mad at me, I’ll say that. One did act like: “What are you talkin’ about?” This pastor is has a Dr. in Theology. The other, one of my favorite people, listened but went ahead and allowed the planned Bible Study series to continue (It was a women’s study of course). The reason I admire this man so much is that he is willing to speak about moral/political issues from the pulpit that are obviously Christian in nature. An example would be his stand against gambling, abortion, and homosexuality. He is not afraid to take on these issues in the pulpit and he will not change, I think, no matter the consequences.
    So, I may seem a bit over zealous. It doesn’t bother me. I have spoken to the doctor after he quoted from a couple of other undesirables. In fact, Rick Warren was spoken of kindly by one of those who lead worship when the regulars are gone. This is a large church of mostly “well-informed” retired Christians. The Doctor/Pastor gives wonderful sermons. Yet, I must speak via email when there is an issue. I hope I am not seen as a thorn in the side and I think the last time I sent an email it was considered carefully as the quoted person has not been mentioned again. It was another Beth Moore “type.” I sent the good pastor documentation from this person’s own web page showing acceptance of the gay lifestyle. I haven’t heard the name again.
    I’m fortunate to be connected to several good discernment sites. One is by the Australian named Sherryn Forman. She has been a good blogging friend for quite some time. Her site is called “The Narrowing Path” and I think it can be googled easily. Other sites include: The Light House Trails, Appraising Ministries (maintained in spite of pastor’s Silva’s somewhat recent passing – no new stuff here but pretty current), and Herescope. One has to be careful with discernment sites, however. One really has to check things on one’s own as one such site called C.S. Lewis a heretic with quotes to boot. I won’t go in depth as to why I think Mr. Lewis was a saved man but check out C.S. Lewis doodles on Youtube. I don’t know how an unsaved person can write such things.
    The best thing to a counterfeit dollar is the one that is made closest to it. This is why we must tread lightly when we accept someone just because of popularity.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for your comment and mention of good discernment sites. The only one I am not familiar with is the one from Australia. I’ll need to check it out.

      Am sitting here reading Vol I of Spurgeon’s Autobiography. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

      • I have read of these stories too, Maria. There does appear to be truth to some of them but I have never had time to study it in depth. The fact that these thoughts are few and far between doesn’t make them false.

        I have a hard time listening to this and thinking the man wasn’t a Christian:


        I guess God will figure it all out someday.

        Thanks, Maria.

        Liked by 1 person

              • I actually change the article a bit because of you comment. You may notice some differences at the bottom. I remember the checking I did made me question, but one would almost have to read all of Lewis to put it together, to discern where he really stood on things. I don’t have time for that. Thanks again, Maria. 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

              • Also, Maria. I saw your blog. I love the picture and I’m a big Pilgrim’s Progress Fan. Few people would know to question Mr. Lewis. That alone tells me that you are a student like me. We will never stop being students as perfection lies beyond us. Maybe we will learn something that can teach another, however. God uses each of according to our gifts. I hope you liked the video. 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

              • A last thing. The direct meaning of your name could easily be a Christian. However, synonyms for Iconoclast are listed as “critic, skeptic, heretic.” Looking at those who like your work, I know you aren’t the latter, as some have accused Lewis of being.
                The direct definition: “a person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions” can easily be Christian and should be in many cases. Include the world “worldly” in there and you have described Jesus himself to a degree.

                Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks, Dan! Several years ago I noticed the phenomenon of Beth Moore’s popularity as an author of Bible studies. It was a shock to see a whole bookcase filled with these materials. Only within the last year did I learn that this isn’t a good thing.


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