ALL Lives Matter!

America is burning and the fires have many names I won’t discuss. We all can probably name them and each one of us probably has a ‘hot button’ or two; I know I have. What I will say is that ALL lives matter, black ones, white ones and every color in between. Soldiers serving our country and police serving our citizens (even the ones who want to kill them). Unborn babies matter, as do the mothers who don’t want them and the abortionists who carry out their murders. Self-serving politicians who care more about their careers and/or legacies than our country. ALL lives matter! Skin color just seems to be the #1 issue at the moment.

ALL lives matter because, as human beings, we were created as ‘image bearers’ of God (Genesis 1:26-31). At the same time, we are greatly flawed human beings; image bearers of God yet tragically flawed – by SIN. We have ALL sinned ‘in Adam’ (Romans 5:12), and we are ALL sinners in our conduct (Romans 3:23). In other words, we ALL sin because we’re sinners, and we’re ALL sinners because we sin.

My friends, SIN is still the problem and Jesus Christ is STILL the answer. It’s really that simple, although many will disagree. I’m talking about the Christ who died for our SIN (1 Cor 15:1-5), not for the many other reasons we like to talk about, like ‘our best lives now’.

Fellow believers, I guarantee you that those who perpetrate evil (of any kind) won’t address the sin problem – they love their sin (John 3:19). Sadly, there are a whole lot of professing Christians and alleged evangelical churches, who have the answer but won’t talk about sin.

What can we do about it? That’s easy. It’s up to us to join the conversation and ‘take it to the gospel’ – the gospel that has the subject of sin at the center and Jesus Christ as the only answer. Brothers and sisters, what an opportunity we have to do just that! America is burning and people are screaming for answers!

I’ll say it again. SIN is the problem and Jesus Christ is the answer!

Do we want racial reconciliation? Christ is the answer!

Do we want an honest government that cares for the Constitution and the people it serves? Christ is the answer!

Do we want stop all the crime and violence? Christ is the answer!

Do we want to see mothers stop killing their babies and abortion doctors put out of business? Christ is the answer!

Yes, America might be burning and yes, everyone has an opinion about what’s wrong. Most of the opinions miss the point and fail to get to the ‘root cause’. It’s time for us to join the conversation and ‘take it to the gospel’.

Are you with me?

6 responses to “ALL Lives Matter!

  1. Yes, Dan, I am with you.

    You have summarized a theme I’ve had on my blog since it went from a news-blog to one focused solely on righteousness and truth. One theme has been a question:

    How can God bless a nation that has turned its back on Him?

    We know that the answer to this question is: “He won’t.”

    “I’ll say it again. SIN is the problem and Jesus Christ is the answer!”

    Hopefully, this key message of yours taken from the Holy Scriptures is one that is obvious as one looks through posts on my blog.

    At least 1/2 of my blog is currently focused on a tragic sin happening on the other side of the ocean.

    Here is another quote from this post:

    “Fellow believers, I guarantee you that those who perpetrate evil (of any kind) won’t address the sin problem – they love their sin (John 3:19). Sadly, there are a whole lot of professing Christians and alleged evangelical churches, who have the answer but won’t talk about sin.”

    There are entire countries where the majority “belong” to an “Evangelical Church” (In Norway it’s 75% of the population). Many of the people are Evangelical in name only and won’t even admit to believing in Jesus as their savior. Sin is not talked about or even seen as truth by many. This is why I hardly use the word “Evangelical” these days as its meaning is vacuous in so many instances. I am stubborn though and will not give the term up completely as its original meaning was tied to sharing the TRUE Gospel message.

    I’m preaching to the choir here, Dan, as I know you are aware of the fact that many false teachers preach from pulpits in America. A catalog selling “Christian” books came in my mail this week. It is filled with books by “Word of Faith,” “New Age,” and “Emergent” “teachers.”

    Thankfully, there is a remnant who knows the Jesus you preach, Dan. He is our savior as simply (as you have stated) and as certainly as the Bible teaches.

    I am with you, Dan.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you all for being for joining the conversation and “taking it to the gospel”. I think I really got tired of all the pundits, talking heads and armchair QBs missing the real issue! And then there’s being called ‘racist’ just for saying all lives matter! I’ve heard some other voices, both black and white that are naming ‘sin’ as the root cause and that’s encouraging.

    Liked by 2 people

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